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ZOE gap year

The Zoe Gap Year is a 9-month Bible based college discipleship program designed to prepare students spiritually, emotionally, relationally, and intellectually to enter college, university, vocational training, or the workforce. Students will graduate with core habits for daily living, leadership skills, interpersonal skills as well as a solid theological and worldview foundation to strengthen them for the future. Students will also participate in one international missions trip during their Zoe Gap Year. 

Year 1

ZOE Ministry year

The Zoe Ministry Year is perfect for students planning on a life of professional or volunteer ministry or those who want to continue the holistic life building training the began during their Gap Year. In year 2, students will go dramatically deeper into the study of theology and ministry training. Students will graduate with an Associate’s Degree in Ministry from Vision International University. 

Year 2

ZOE leadership year

Students who have graduated the first 2 years of our program are eligible to apply for a 3rd year advanced internship opportunity. Students in the Zoe Leadership Internship assist the Zoe and Joy Church staff by taking an active leadership role in both the program and in specific ministries within the church.

Year 3+

Our Programs


  • High School Diploma or G.E.D. 

  • 17 years of age or older (younger students require special permission). 

  • Been a faithful member of a local church for at least 6 months. 

  • Is spiritually, intellectually, physically, and emotionally able to complete the program

  • Is financially able to complete the program and work no more than 20 hours a week as well as take time off for Zoe events. 

  • Agrees to comply with the Zoe Student Handbook requirements and code of conduct.

  • Student must have submitted one pastoral reference form and one personal reference form (found in online application).



Please contact us about any questions or requests for exceptions. 


Applications for Zoe Interns must be submitted no later than August 1st. If more time is needed to apply, please contact us at

Admissions requirements


Zoe Interns is $5,000 per year (September - May)
  • Tuition includes up to 10 Vision International University classes for 1 school year. (Books not included). 

  • Exclusive Zoe Interns Spiritual Formations Classes plus Books. 

  • All Zoe Interns Travel and Experiences unless otherwise stated. 

  • 1 Mission's Trip at students own expense is required during the gap year program to graduate. Mission's Trip opportunities are available through Zoe Interns and Joy Church Medford. Average Trip Cost is $2,000-$2,500.


Financial Due Dates:


Zoe Orientation (3 weeks before start date): Paid in Full

November 1st: Deadline to sign up and pay for Missions Trip. 


Payment Plan: $20 a month Fee 

Zoe Orientation: $3,500 

October 1st: First Payment Due 

November 1st: Deadline to sign up and pay for Missions Trip. 

June 1st: Final Payment 

Tuition and fees

Apply Now

We are so excited that you are ready to begin your journey at Zoe Interns! Please fill out the information below and a full online application will be sent to you! 


Be sure to check out our Student Handbook for all of the details and requirements of the Zoe Intern Program. After receiving your application, the admissions team will review it and notify you with our final decision on acceptance. 

Apply Now
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